
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Welcome to the Black Parade

It's Tuesday. You have the man hunger, but not enough time or energy to cook. So you think about cooking a standard grilled chicken, but it sounds so boring. No worries, it's the Vazquez sisters to the rescue! Try this recipe out to spice up a bland weeknight dinner:

Black Bean Chicken
Serves 3-4

Mariana learned this recipe at some point during college and it's always been a hit. Paula adopted it once she moved out of the house and it's also a favorite of hers. Best part? It's easy and requires very little actual cooking.

  • 3 boneless, skinless chicken breasts
  • 1 can of black beans, drained
  • 1 small can of chunky salsa (We use Herdez' salsa "casera". We swear our dad buys it for us by the case)
  • 1/4 cup chopped cilantro
  • Sour cream

Cut the chicken up into even pieces, about 2 inches big each. Season the chicken with salt, pepper, and garlic powder and then sautee in olive oil.

Once the chicken is cooked, but before it starts getting too dry, add in the beans, salsa, and most of the cilantro. Let simmer for a while. If it's too watery leave it uncovered, but if it has a good consistency, cover it. The chicken is cooked, so you can simmer for just a while, but long enough that the chicken soaks up the yummyness.

Serve the chicken with beans, add a dollop of sour cream on top, and sprinkle the cilantro over it. Tadah! One delicious meal without much effort. Can't ask for much more!

We apologize for a lack of picture on this one. It was so delicious we ate it all before we remembered to take one. Oops! But we certainly didn't forget your music!

Bon appetit! Buen provecho! Yummmmm!

Mariana and Paula

1 comment:

  1. Guess what? I contributed to Mariana finding that recipe. We looked through my cookbook trying to find something new to make. We decided on that and proceeded to make it several times after that. It's a tasty one!
