
Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Uniform Effect

It's been well-established by this point that we Vazquez sisters love our television almost as much as our food. It's true (and sometimes shameful) - we watch a lot of TV. One of our favorite shows is How I Met Your Mother, which has inspired this week's Hungry for Men Wednesday's post. If you don't watch, you should. If you do watch, you know that Barney often likes to share his vast knowledge with the group, including this little nugget of wisdom: The Cheerleader Effect

Armed with this knowledge, we have come up with our own theory:

The Uniform Effect

While enjoying a Friday happy hour beverage at our local watering hole, we found ourselves in the presence of a large group of Army men. Our immediate reaction? Ooh! Hot! Nice! Damn! And so forth. But then we started looking more closely and soon realized that many were older, some were bald, and most (though not all) were not really all that good-looking. Thus our theory: do uniforms lead us to believe a man is hotter than he may actually be? Is this effect compounded when the men in uniform are in a group? We believe so! A couple examples...

Firefighters are the quintessential "hot because of the uniform" men. You may see a group of firefighters and your mind is tricked into seeing this...

When, sadly, you may actually be looking at this...

Another example is a less obvious form of a uniform, but one that still falls under the Uniform Effect. Men in suits...

Hot, right? Or are they...

Now, our theory still needs some of the details worked out. For example, these lovely men were brought to my attention:

Does the Uniform Effect apply to Ghostbuster uniforms? Is there any way Bill Murray could ever be hot? 

So we need your input readers! What do you think? Is the Uniform Effect theory solid?

Until we hear from you, enjoy that picture of the firefighters...

Bon appetit! Buen provecho! Uniforms!

Mariana and Paula

PS: A huge thanks to Miss Laura Belle for helping to develop the theory. We know it was a sacrifice to stare at the men in their Army uniforms.

PPS: A shout out to Mariana's hubby Justin, who, in an attempt to be supportive of his wife, continued to check on the blog while in Montana for work. Except that all we blog about is men so he was caught looking at half-naked men on several occasions. :)

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