
Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Our Biggest Loser Appetite

Every Tuesday, a group of lovely ladies get together to enjoy the finer things in life - some TV (Biggest Loser to be more specific), some food, some wine, and some eye candy. Sounds like the perfect combo for us Man Hunger sisters, right?!

Each time we gather, every girl is in charge of bringing a dish to share with the group. We've had everything from cheese and crackers, to macaroni and cheese, to meatloaf, and a multitude of desserts. We realize the irony of eating such amazing spreads during Biggest Loser, but we enjoy ourselves anyway. And as we munch away and in between comments about the contestants, we admire one of the newest additions to the Biggest Loser team:

Dolvett Quince

Our man here is one of the new trainers on the BL ranch, and we like his style! Whether he's yelling at the contestants, having a heart to heart, or giving us an enchanting smile, he always elicits a collective sigh or "Oh, Dolvett" from the group. So thanks for being the perfect dessert to our feast, Dolvett!

Bon appetit! Buen provecho! Oh, Dolvett!

Mariana and Paula

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