
Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Hungry for Bradly Cooper

We are going to go with a classic hottie for this Wednesday's Hungry for Men post: The very lovely, Mr. Bradly Cooper.

His gorgeous baby blues alone will entrance you! And just look at that fine head of hair! He's certainly giving Patrick Dempsey a run for his money!

He's played some many fun roles over the years from the asinine fiance in Wedding Crashers, the wonderfully tan bud in Failure to Launch, to the epic role of the groom's best friend in The Hangover. And let's not forget that shocking scene in Valentine's Day with the ever-gorgeous Eric Dane!

We could go on and on about this sexy man but would we ever really capture all of the hottness that is Bradly Cooper? Probably not... So let's just continue to stare, shall we?

Bon appetit! Buen provecho! YumYum!

Mariana and Paula

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

The Uniform Effect

It's been well-established by this point that we Vazquez sisters love our television almost as much as our food. It's true (and sometimes shameful) - we watch a lot of TV. One of our favorite shows is How I Met Your Mother, which has inspired this week's Hungry for Men Wednesday's post. If you don't watch, you should. If you do watch, you know that Barney often likes to share his vast knowledge with the group, including this little nugget of wisdom: The Cheerleader Effect

Armed with this knowledge, we have come up with our own theory:

The Uniform Effect

While enjoying a Friday happy hour beverage at our local watering hole, we found ourselves in the presence of a large group of Army men. Our immediate reaction? Ooh! Hot! Nice! Damn! And so forth. But then we started looking more closely and soon realized that many were older, some were bald, and most (though not all) were not really all that good-looking. Thus our theory: do uniforms lead us to believe a man is hotter than he may actually be? Is this effect compounded when the men in uniform are in a group? We believe so! A couple examples...

Firefighters are the quintessential "hot because of the uniform" men. You may see a group of firefighters and your mind is tricked into seeing this...

When, sadly, you may actually be looking at this...

Another example is a less obvious form of a uniform, but one that still falls under the Uniform Effect. Men in suits...

Hot, right? Or are they...

Now, our theory still needs some of the details worked out. For example, these lovely men were brought to my attention:

Does the Uniform Effect apply to Ghostbuster uniforms? Is there any way Bill Murray could ever be hot? 

So we need your input readers! What do you think? Is the Uniform Effect theory solid?

Until we hear from you, enjoy that picture of the firefighters...

Bon appetit! Buen provecho! Uniforms!

Mariana and Paula

PS: A huge thanks to Miss Laura Belle for helping to develop the theory. We know it was a sacrifice to stare at the men in their Army uniforms.

PPS: A shout out to Mariana's hubby Justin, who, in an attempt to be supportive of his wife, continued to check on the blog while in Montana for work. Except that all we blog about is men so he was caught looking at half-naked men on several occasions. :)

Monday, September 19, 2011

Just Keep Swimming...

Sometimes, a Monday is so rough that the only comfort you have is food. Today was such a day, and so we turned to one of our favorites...

Seared Ahi Tuna with Wasabi Potatoes and Sauteed Spinach
(Why yes! We are fancy. Thank you for noticing).
Serves 4


4 Ahi tuna steaks
1 bag of pre-washed spinach leaves
4 medium russet potatoes
White wine


We purchased our ahi tuna at Trader Joe's. They come frozen in packages of two and are very decently priced. If we've never mentioned this, we love Trader Joe's.

Peel the potatoes and chop into eights. Boil in water with salt. When they start to fall apart, drain and return to the pot. Mash the potatoes, and then add a couple tablespoons of butter, a good squirt of wasabi, some milk, salt, and pepper. It's important that you get the measurements just right ;) Get out your handy hand mixer and whip! Sample and adjust for taste. If you like it spicier, add more wasabi. Add more milk and whip again if necessary, until the potatoes are light and fluffy.

In a wok or large pan, heat enough olive oil to coat the bottom.  Add in the spinach, doing it handful by handful until the entire bag is in the pan (it won't end up being that much). Splash a little white wine and sprinkle salt and pepper on the spinach. Sautee until cooked, which should take only a minute or two.

As you're doing that, heat another pan sprayed with Pam (or your favorite non-stick spray) until it's extra hot. Throw the tuna steaks on for about two minutes on each side, just enough time to heat it through while still leaving it pink in the middle.

Serve with a glass of the white wine and enjoy!

And for your entertainment...

Bon appetit! Buen provecho! Yummy!

Mariana and Paula

Monday, September 12, 2011

Hungry for Bachelors

In honor of tonight's Bachelor Pad 2 finale (you know, that one incredibly high-quality show on ABC), and by special request from our friend Analisa, we'd like to present to you some of our favorite men from Bachelor and Bachelorette history. And to make this more fun, we'll give you both an ABC-sanctioned picture, as well as the one we prefer.

There have been many a Bachelors (15 to be exact), but none have been quite as hot as Brad Womack. The quintessential bad boy with issues, Brad has actually been on the show twice. The first time, he made the bold move of not choosing a "winner"... gasp! The second time he proclaimed that he had been in therapy forever and he was ready for love. Armed with his traveling shrink, Brad gave it another go, only to end in failure once again. But that's ok. Other blogs don't call him Hotter Than Crap Brad for nothing:

But while there have been many-a Bachelors, we enjoy the Bachelorette seasons just as much. Why, you may ask? Well, duh... there's more men to look at! Like Mr. JP Rosenbaum:

Or Kiptyn Locke, also known as Kiptyn's Abs:

And then there was Roberto Martinez, who will eternally be known as the reason why women would ever brave such an adventure:

And finally, because we all know Mariana likes her slightly dorky men, there was Chris Lambton. The sweetest, nicest, make-me-sigh man in Bachelorette history:

And, oh yeah, these are his abs...

Enjoy tonight's quality programming readers!

Bon appetit! Buen provecho! No shirt required!

Mariana and Paula