
Monday, September 12, 2011

Hungry for Bachelors

In honor of tonight's Bachelor Pad 2 finale (you know, that one incredibly high-quality show on ABC), and by special request from our friend Analisa, we'd like to present to you some of our favorite men from Bachelor and Bachelorette history. And to make this more fun, we'll give you both an ABC-sanctioned picture, as well as the one we prefer.

There have been many a Bachelors (15 to be exact), but none have been quite as hot as Brad Womack. The quintessential bad boy with issues, Brad has actually been on the show twice. The first time, he made the bold move of not choosing a "winner"... gasp! The second time he proclaimed that he had been in therapy forever and he was ready for love. Armed with his traveling shrink, Brad gave it another go, only to end in failure once again. But that's ok. Other blogs don't call him Hotter Than Crap Brad for nothing:

But while there have been many-a Bachelors, we enjoy the Bachelorette seasons just as much. Why, you may ask? Well, duh... there's more men to look at! Like Mr. JP Rosenbaum:

Or Kiptyn Locke, also known as Kiptyn's Abs:

And then there was Roberto Martinez, who will eternally be known as the reason why women would ever brave such an adventure:

And finally, because we all know Mariana likes her slightly dorky men, there was Chris Lambton. The sweetest, nicest, make-me-sigh man in Bachelorette history:

And, oh yeah, these are his abs...

Enjoy tonight's quality programming readers!

Bon appetit! Buen provecho! No shirt required!

Mariana and Paula

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