
Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Hungry for Jim Halpert

Many people don't get it, but we love John Krasinski. Ironically, our love for him developed as we watched him fall in love with another girl on The Office, but we couldn't help it. He was so endearing when he did little things for Pam, so sweetly broken-hearted when he couldn't have her, and so adorable when he finally got his girl. And who doesn't appreciate a man who can make you laugh?

Paula will tell you that she's going to marry him, but if you ask anyone who knows us well, they'll tell you that he's actually perfect for Mariana. He's exactly her type - the dorky, yet somehow cool, guy who can make you laugh. It's a good thing she's married or John would have one serious stalker. Paula's on his trail though!

So for those who appreciate this incredible man that we are hungry for,  we give you Jim Halpert. *Sigh*

And if you don't like him, that's fine. You can have Dwight.

Bon Appetit! Buen Provecho! Yummy!

Mariana and Paula

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