
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Hungry for Ryan Gosling

As many of you may know, I've been abandoned this week by my sister, Mariana, as she went on her honeymoon with her husband to Costa Rica. I did do some experimenting in the kitchen while she has been gone and made up a great recipe to share with our great readers but I have yet to sit down and write a post for it. However, I did not want to skip on our Hungry for Men Wednesdays post so here it goes:

There is a certain man that has been on my mind lately thanks to the previews on TV recently for Crazy, Stupid, Love. Not only are you getting the hilarious Steve Carell and the beautifully endearing Emma Stone but you are getting the lovely, sexy and deliciously shirtless Ryan Gosling. Some of you may remember him from waaaay back in the day in his role as Sean Hanlon, the self-proclaimed Ladies' Man, on Breaker High-that sweet TV series about teenagers who get to go to high school on cruise ship. And now, more than ten years later, he is playing a similar role in this romantic comedy.

My, my, my, how wonderfully you've aged dear Ryan. If you don't mind, I'd like to marry you. Just throwing that out there...

This is one movie I am definitely going to be making my sister take me to this weekend to make for my abandonment... I'm sure it won't take too much convincing!

Bon Appetit! Buen Provecho! Yum-meee!

-The lone foodie, Paula

1 comment:

  1. 1. I did not realize he was on Breaker High. I loved that show!
    2. You definitely need to see that movie! It is funny and cute.
