
Thursday, November 24, 2011

Return of the Mac

Here we are, at the Maloney house, in the midst of too many dogs, a cat that won't come out from under the couch and lots of hungry people. A perfect Thanksgiving! But we are very thankful to be surrounded by all this love and all of this great food!

Amidst the many adults, we have a couple of young children, as well a few adults that are still kids at heart. And what do kids love? Mac and cheese! So as a nice side dish, we made a big serving of homemade, baked macaroni and cheese! We haven't tried it yet but it smells fantastic! This will be a great dish for children, a cold night or just cause its awesome!

Baked Mac and Cheese


  • 1 lb. Elbow macaroni
  • 3 cups Milk
  • 4 tbs. Butter
  • 1 Egg
  • 3 tbs. Flour
  • 1/2 tbs. Powdered mustard
  • 1/2 tsp Paprika
  • 1 bayleaf
  • 2 cups Sharp cheddar, shredded
  • 2 cups Mild cheddar, shredded
  • 1 tsp Salt
  • Black pepper, to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.

In a large pot of boiling water (salted), cook the macaroni to al dente. Be careful not to overcook the pasta or you could end up with mushy noodles after you bake it.

In a medium saucepan, melt the butter. Add in the flour and mustard using a whisk and keep it moving until the mixture is smooth and free of any lumps. Stir in the milk, paprika and bay leaf. Simmer for 5 minutes, being careful not to boil the milk over, and remove the bay leaf.

Beat the egg in a small bowl. Carefully take about 1/2 cup on the milk mixture and slowly add it to the egg, constantly mixing it with a whisk. This helps bring the egg closer to the temperature of the milk mixture so that when you add it in, it doesn't just cook into a big scrambled mess! It is officially called "tempering an egg". Some of our fellow Hungertons may have known that, some of you may now be further impressed with our cooking skills! Add in your tempered egg to the milk mixture.

Reserve 1/2 cup of the mild cheddar and 1/2 cup of the sharp cheddar cheese and stir in the rest to the milk mixture, along with the salt and black pepper. Fold in the al dente macaroni pasta and pour into a casserole dish. Top with the reserved cheese.

Bake for 30 minutes, until bubbly and browned on top. Let rest for about 5 minutes and enjoy!

For your musical delight, we have a great classic which we hope you all remember and enjoy!

Thanks again for following us in our foodie ventures. We hope you all have a great Thanksgiving!

Bon appetit! Buen provecho! Yum!

Mariana and Paula

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