
Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Some Day My Prince Will Come...

(To be read in the best English accent your little inner mind can conjure)

In honor of the Queen of England's Diamond Jubilee this week, we thought it would be very fitting to dedicate this week's Hungry for Men Wednesday to the royal family.

First in line in this royal post is the handsome Prince William.

Look at that smile and those sweet baby blues! No wonder Kate was swept right off her feet! And who could forget that fairytale wedding to Kate? She is such a sweet girl, so we could never steal William from her. We will however, gladly steal her incredible wardrobe! The Vazquez sisters are now on the hunt for a great pair of bright colored jeans in hopes that we will look as lovely as Kate does and not like a pair of loons in crazy colored pantaloonies...

But we digress!
Let us return to the matter at hand, shall we? On to Prince Harry!

Now there's a sexy ginger if we ever saw one! That wild unruly hair, flushed red cheeks and carefree smile... He has his rebellious side, drinking when he was under age (who didn't?) and fight with the paparazzi (who wouldn't!), but he has grown up a bit since then, and certainly grown into his good looks! He's a man with honors now, serving as Captain in England's Army Air Corps and he's a prince...What more could a girl want? Maybe some abs. A nice pair of royal abs...

We hope you've enjoyed the special royal edition of the Man Hunger.

Bon appetit. Buen provecho. And good day to you, sire!

Mariana and Princess Paula (A girl can dream right?)

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